Centro ricerche
Effettuata attraverso la realizzazione di progetti in biomedicina, sicurezza sociale, imaging, economia e finanza;
Ricerca di base e sperimentale nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale, volta a scoprire e sperimentare nuovi modelli matematici e algoritmi con particolare riferimento ai Sistemi Artificiali Adattivi;
Ci avvaliamo inoltre, di una stretta collaborazione con il Centro di Ricerche Semeion, diretto dal Prof. Paolo Massimo Buscema ordinario di matematica e statistica all’università del Colorado
Formiamo ricercatori, attraverso corsi, seminari e stage, nel campo dell’intelligenza artificiale con particolare attenzione ai nuovi modelli di Reti Neurali Artificiali e Algoritmi Evolutivi e alle procedure di applicazione per risolvere problemi complessi.
Twisting Theory (TWT)
A new theory and a new class of Algorithms able to model the global deformations of the space, considering the trajectories of only a little sample of points along the time flow.

Recurrent MST
A new class of algorithms able to define from a sample of points distributed into 2 or 3 dimensional space the set of the geometrical points implicated from that distribution.
Harmonic Center
A new class of algorithms able to define from a sample of points distributed into 2 or 3 dimensional space the different membership of harmonics of any geometrical point of the surface.

Active Connection Fusion (ACF)
A method of fusing images includes the steps of providing at least two images of the same object, each image being a digital image or being transformed in a digital image formed by an array of pixels or voxels, and of combining together the pixels or voxels of the at least two images being combined to obtain a new image formed by the combined pixels or voxels.
Target Diffusion Model (T.D.M.):
An algorithm to model the causation process of a discrete process. Applicant: Semeion Research Center & CSI. Inventor: P.M. Buscema. USA Patent: 13/070,854. Deposited 24 March 2011.